Happy New Year 2017!

The HamTestOnline™ team wishes you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!
HamTestOnline™ 2016 in review
HTO fans, it's been a very busy year!
- We upgraded the Extra course to cover the new question pool, which went into effect on July 1, 2016.
- We did a comprehensive review and rework of all three courses, adding hundreds more infotexts, diagrams, photos, links, hints, and explanations. Of course, we know that we are not paid by the word, but rather by happy and successful customers, so we made sure that the new materials meet our highest quality standards — clear, concise, accurate, easily understood by non-technical students, and laser-focused on what you need to know to pass the exam.
- We added a new feature, View courses mode (see the FAQ), which gives you better visibility of your progress and control over your study sessions. Our Study mode is still a great way to learn, automatically finding and focusing on your weak areas. By contrast, this feature-rich new mode puts you squarely in the driver's seat:
- You can list and drill just the questions you're interested in, like just your "weak" questions, your "unseen" questions, questions due for review, questions requiring calculations, questions with figures, questions that you haven't answered recently, etc.
- If you want to review a specific subject, click any section header on the View courses screen to jump directly to your area of interest.
- We included an option on the View Courses screen for our Ham It Forward™ instructors, allowing them to break our courses into a specified number of lessons, each requiring roughly the same amount of study time. Four, five, six, eight (or more) sessions in your class? We'll generate your course outline, and your students can follow the same outline for their home study. (More about Ham It Forward™ here.)
We'd like to thank all the customers who provided feedback over the years — the new View courses mode would not exist without your suggestions. Our software is great at finding your weak areas, but you are the experts at finding ours! Keep the feedback coming, as many of our best ideas come from you!
What's in store for 2017? The NCVEC has given us a year off, with no new question pool coming out in 2017, but that does not mean that we will rest! We're not ready to share the details, but rest assured that we remain committed to staying ahead of our competition and fulfilling our mission statement: to provide the best study method, study materials, customer support, and guarantee in the industry!
Will you do us a huge favor? If you're a fan, and you haven't already done so, please take the time to tell the world by reviewing us on eHam at http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/3412 There's no better marketing tool than personal testimonials to get the word out!
Personnel updates
John “Grandpa”, W1AI, and Christina “Grandma”, KT1NA, have also been very busy with Krys “Mommy”, KG7ZKO's delightful new addition, Freyja Snow White, call sign TBD, being held by her favorite person “Daddy” in the picture at the bottom of the page.
Congratulations and best wishes also to Patrick, W2ZAU, who became a new father in December!
We'd like to thank Ron, WA1RON, for taking the time out of his grueling Ironman training to help with the grueling rework of all three courses. We'd also like to thank Forrest, WH6EAL, for his invaluable technical assistance with the rework project, and we wish him the best as he launches his new career as a commercial pilot!
Most popular Facebook post of 2016
If you're not a fan of HamTestOnline on Facebook, you're missing some fun stuff! Our most popular post of 2016 was the Einstein picture shown on the right.
Feel free to respond to this email with comments for the team. We love feedback!