An Overwhelming Response to the FCC, Online Exam Success, A New Year's Resolution, Getting Radioactive in 2021, Team Updates, Oh My!
An Overwhelming Response to the FCC
We brought the FCC's website to its knees!
We want to thank everyone for commenting on the FCC’s recent $50 fee proposal. After we sent out our last newsletter, so many people tried to comment at once, that it crashed the FCC website!
Unfortunately, the comment period is now closed, so let's just hope they heard our message loud and clear!
Online Exam Success
Stop waiting for in-person exams!
Our students have been reporting great success with online exams. After all, once you're used to answering questions on the computer, it's actually easier to adapt to an online exam than an on-paper exam. Schedule an online exam here, and get it done before the FCC's possible fee increase!
A New Year's Resolution
Sale extended through January 3rd!
Didn’t get what you want for Christmas? We’ve extended our Holiday Cyber Sale through the end of New Year’s weekend — $10 off each course, and only $4.95 for renewals.
While we’re still waiting to receive a vaccine, make a New Year’s Resolution to upgrade to Extra this spring. There will never be a better time!
If you have already passed your exams, you could take advantage of our $4.95 renewal sale to see the latest study materials and refresh your memory.
Getting Radioactive in 2021
Experience ARRL Field Day, June 26-27!
If you're not yet active in ham radio, make it happen in 2021. One option is to participate in your local ARRL Field Day, on June 26-27. Many clubs will host a Get-On-The-Air (GOTA) station, where experienced operators help newbies get their feet wet on HF. Although, since you're working with high voltage, getting your feet wet might not be a great idea! ;-)
If you're already active on HF, get your Extra class license before Field Day. Most clubs operate multiple Field Day stations under a single call sign (typically a 1x2 or 2x1), owned by the club or an Extra class operator in the club. Technically, all stations are operating under a single station license. However, each control operator is limited to their own privileges, so Extra class operators are more useful at Field Day because they have full privileges.
Many people operating at Field Day mistakenly think that because they are using an Extra class call sign, they can operate with Extra privileges. Remember from our Technician course:

Team Updates
Welcome AI7DN!
We want to welcome Marcus, AI7DN to Team HTO. Like so many others, Christina's Story inspired Marcus to go from zero to Extra in a single session, and he did it after only 34 days of study! Marcus's next goal is to get his final call sign before becoming radioactive, so let's wish him luck on his pending vanity call sign application.
Hams tend to collect things with their call sign on them (license plates, QSL cards, eyeball QSL cards, award certificates, desk plaques, name badges, etc.), so you want to get your final call sign before you start accumulating all that stuff, and the best call signs are only available to Extras. You don't want to get a new call sign and have to start over from scratch years down the road.